Avanyu en Blanco


Avanyu is a Tewa deity, the guardian of water. It is represented as a plumed or horned serpent.  Avanyu drawings can be found on the walls of caves located high above canyon rivers in New Mexico and Arizona.

Amado Pena Jr. was born in Laredo, Texas. He is of Mexican and Yaqui ancestry. Pena taught art in high school in Austin, Texas  and maintained a gallery in Austin for many years. He currently lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Pena’s art can be found in the United States Department of State Art in Embassies Collection and the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Avanyu was originally purchased from Pena by art collectors who live in Austin, Texas. A Letter of Authenticity and Valuation from the Pena Gallery in Santa Fe conveys with the art.


